Sunday, December 26, 2004

I suppose today wouldn't have been awful if I hadn't had to go into work. Sears is annoying me, greatly. ARgh. Bad points all around. First I was insulted by a customer because I wouldn't take an ink tag off of a dress (we don't have dresses btw) without a proof of purchase. Then, they blamed me for not putting the extra 30% off on their slippers, it wasn't my fault, the discount just didn't register in the computer. I really wish I didn't need this job. Second, I had to be at work at 6:45 am, and did not have lunch until 12:30 pm. We were supposed to have our breaks at 11 am but the cashiers never showed up that were supposed to. Third, the lines never ended. As soon as the store opened. Nonstop. Why were you out you morons??

Good part of the day, I took a nap. Yay, naps. AND, I got to see my cousin whom I haven't seen in forever. I miss Eric like nothing else. At least I get to see him in two weeks. And to think, it's only been 1 week. Ick, summer will stink. Well.....maybe not....hmmm....Australia.

Excitement ensues with the addition of my own scuba gear. I'm getting it all set up tomorrow at Aquatic Adventures in Manchester. Now I just need to figure out how to get it to Melbourne.

Interesting fact, once I leave Manchester on January 8th, I will not be returning until the end of June (I hope mid-July) And if I can't get to my Uncle's wedding in April, I will not be seeing my family at all either. In addition, if anyone who lives in the Melbourne area would care to let me live with them for a week in May, I'd be extremely grateful. And then give me a ride to the airport with my stuff. Again, grateful.

Well, I must be going, have to bring out the trash in the snow and all. Grrrr.


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