Monday, January 09, 2006

Start of the Semester

Big news, big news. Eric proposed to me on saturday!!!! My mother was excited, when I finally got up the nerve to tell her on Sunday. My dad was literally speechless. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.... My brother knew it was coming. I'm excited. But the ring had to be resized so I won't have it for max 2 weeks. It's purty. I'll have to post a picture when I get it back.

Today started classes for my very last semester of undergraduate! And boy did I get off to a great start when my alarm did not go off and I walked in late for my first class. Ugh. I need to set like 50 alarms now for fear that the clock won't work again and I'll be late again. I can't be late again. I have 2 freakin classes, it shouldn't be that hard.

Anyway, that's the news. I'm finishing up my grad application and mailing it out today. I also have to get a parking permit for the lots since I've got my Uggy. Hmm, I should post a picture of Uggy too. Back to work now.

Oh, and I need a job. Somewhere.

Music: My broadway mix playlist on my ipod


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