Thursday, April 28, 2005

1 Week Left!!

As you can probably gather from my title, I have only 1 week left of school! Yay!! With that said, I also have 3 papers and 4 finals left, due within that time. And I'm spending my time blogging. I have one of those papers due tomorrow 2 pm. Ugh. Eric is distracting me somewhat because he's playing World of Warcraft. He is also playing good music. Now I have a craving to hear good male singers because he played the "Confrontation" from Jekyll and Hyde. So now we're listening to Phantom of the Opera and not the crappy Highlights version. I'm talking two disc London Original Cast with the lovely Michael Crawford. Oh god how I love his voice. Hypnotically sweet. *stares off into space with longing* I think that's all for tonight, I need to get a good start on my paper before tomorrow because a) that's when it's due b) I have only 2 hours tomorrow when I could work on it.

Quick note: Mom comes tomorrow! She's flying down to Melbourne for the Installation of Phi Sigma Sigma. I REALLY need to clean the apartment cause it's a dump right now, especially my bathroom and my room. I should get on that. Instead, I clean Eric's room, sort of for him. I was being procrastinatory. Is that a word?


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