Thursday, January 20, 2005

I should not hold cuvettes with Copper Sulfate

Well, I tried to post yesterday but Blogger decided to crap out on me and not publish my thing. Grrrrr. Anyway. Good day, good day, good couple of days. You are now reading the blog of FIT's new VP of student government. Holy crap I go from being anti-SG to being VP. They will NOT get me voted into e-board next year. No way Jose.

I've decided that I'm going crazy. Well, not yet but I will be soon. I just printed out my finalized schedule, that is permament. Three days a week I am up at 5:30 am to be at Clemente for the 6-9 am shift. Ick, this is gonna suck. At least it's not four days a week, like these past two weeks. Bed time is officially 9 pm.

Yesterday I went out to lab for Community Ecology in Turkey Creek Sanctuary. So cool! Our first lab was in the field! We'll be back again next week. I'm so excited. Even after crawling through vines and bushes with thorns, I'm excited. Today my lab for Plant Physiology was fun, even though Knox and I got done last. We decided that I should not try to pick up cuvettes when doing spectrophotometry. I knocked over the damn little things about 7 times, and there were only 5 of the suckers! Copper Sulfate EVERYWHERE. But not on me thankfully.

Hurray Phi Sigma Sigma is here! I'm going to the meeting in an hour to make sure they know I want to join. This is really wierd, looking back at what I do. I'm in the major organizations on campus (College Players, Student Ambassadors, Student Government) and will soon become a "sorority girl". But don't worry, Amy will still be Amy. Amazingly enough, I like being the social person that I've become at college. It's so nice to be able to walk across campus and recognize about 90% of the students, saying hi to 75% of those. My god, I feel POPULAR. It's such a strange feeling. But I love it. I have so many friends, and none of them care if I'm smart, or like to read science fiction and fantasy, or doodle everywhere. They just accept me for me. I'm so glad I'm here.

Yay for general feeling of contentness!!!!!! Time for dinner.


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