Saturday, January 15, 2005

Ranting at both Blogger and Authors

I had this wonderful rant going on, written quite well if I might say so myself. Until Blogger decided that it was going to publish the title and date only. ARRGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!
Let's see if I can sum up what I HAD written, frustration won't be as evident, and no one will get my point, so what is the point? It was so moving!!! Here it is:
I hate authors when they end a book without solving the problem. So far my two favorite authors have done this, one even went so far as to write a prequel after ending his last book with a cliffhanger. *shakes fist at Terry Goodkind and Robert Jordan* Plus, it'll take another year and a half before the next book comes out and I'll have graduated college by then. Just for reference, I started the series in MIDDLE SCHOOL. ARRGGHHHHHH! The torture is incomprehensible.


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