Monday, February 28, 2005

4 days till Spring Break!

That's right, you heard me, Spring Break starts as of class end on Friday and I am thrilled! Not only do I get to work EVERY day M-F from 4-8 pm at Clemente, I also get to do school work such as collect fish for my research project and tan. Hmm, that would be a mix of sarcasm and actual excitement. Sorry for any confusion ;-) I've got loads of crazy stuff to do this week and not much of it is schoolwork. One interesting point, I am playing the drums for College Player's production of Twelfth Night. I've never been percussion before....wait...nevermind that's wrong. I've played the gong for the middle school orchestra when I was in high school. It was recently Homecoming at Florida and I'd like to say congrats to College Players which won Homecoming overall as well as King and Queen. Hurray for Student Ambassadors (SA) for their 2nd place in the float contest in the parade especially since they beat CP which got 3rd place. In case that seems wierd, I painted a large part of the SA float.
BTW, I am listening to "The Homecoming Queen's got a Gun" random little thing from Dr. Demento, awesome stuff.


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