Wednesday, April 06, 2005


So much has been going on. The play just recently finished, it was 12th Night by William Shakespeare. I was a minstrel drummer. The highlight of my role was smacking Herman then biting my thumb at him (hehe shakespearian insult!). But, Hell Week was Hell week in more ways than one. I had all of my tests the same week that the show opened. I am not looking forward to seeing my test grades for Comm Eco cause that's just gonna suck. Additionally, it was just Relay For Life at Florida Tech. Granted, it's a great organization but I was already sleep deprived and was expected to be up all night. Not cool. So I sort of caught up on sleep but I am still way behind on my work.
Next week is the Tri Beta regional conference and I idiotically agreed to send in my research for it. So now not only do I have to get the scrapbook done by next wednesday, but I also have to make a poster, present it tomorrow for the school, and present it at the Regional Conference. The worst part about it is how I learn about deadlines about a day before they are due. Like finding out that Tankersley wanted my poster today to print it. ACK
I have two papers in Molluscan Aquaculture due. An undergraduate research project to finish and write a paper for. A Plant Physiology exam next week. A discussion session for Comm Eco plus a poster that has to be presented. I'm sure there's other stuff as well. Oh right, like creating a banner design for Tri Beta by next tuesday. Going to another Relay this weekend. Turning in Reports for Phi Sigma Sigma by Sunday. (They better be turned into me on time) Finding clothes for Installation and Uncle Tim's wedding. Flying to Uncle Tim's wedding in two weeks. A persuasive speech. Final Exams.
I just want to sleep and cuddle.
On a positive note, Eric got me a Wacom tablet :-) I'm gonna try and post a pic that I've made with it. Umm, well, it got posted to my other blog.....


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