Thursday, June 29, 2006


So here I am at work. Watching bacteria grow yet again. And seriously considering saying "screw it" and leaving to go home and relax. The damn critters didn't start really growing until waaaayyy after lunch, which means they won't reach the right point in their growth curve until about 8 pm tonight. I hate them for that. I don't want to get home at 9 pm again, like last night. I'm giving them another half hour. And then pretending the data is crap and scrapping it. As far as my boss knows...the data is crap, he hasn't checked in with me for about 5 hours now. But it would mean another long day......but in two weeks.

Tomorrow is my last day at work before I leave for Spain. Yay! Spain! That thought alone is getting me through this. I have so many errands to run this Saturday.

So much for my earlier sentiments. Who should show up? My boss. And what do I blab to his first question, "are any of them growing?" My answer: "Some of them just started."

I HATE MYSELF. *curses for not lying* *hits head on lab counter* Stupid stupid stupid stupid

I can't handle writing anymore.